The purpose of this group is to provide the cadets and parent/guardian(s) of 638 Squadron with a resource to keep up-to-date with information and upcoming dates. This is not an official website, nor is it meant to represent the views of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Cadet Movement.
06 March 2014
Wednesday March 6/14
1. Thursday night Level 1 Marksmanship.
2. Thursday night the Rocket Club will meet form 18:30 - 21:00. This club is open to everyone.
3. Saturday March 8th/14 there is a tour of 427 Squadron in Petawawa. An information sheet was sent home with the cadets.
4. Drill Team practice has been cancelled due to the March Break. It will resume on March 17th.
5. Cadets will be cancelled next week due to March Break. Cadets will resume Wednesday March 19th.
6. Lottery tickets need to be returned by the NEXT regular cadet Wednesday. They are already late. I will be calling cadets who have not yet returned them for a final reminder.