Wednesday May 6/15
1.Offers of participation for summer training MUST be handed in ASAP. If they are not handed in you may lose your opportunity to go to summer camp.
2. Krispy Kreme Fundraiser order forms were due this past week however if you forgot, or would like more time please bring orders in next week. The order form is on the Facebook page. Orders must be in no later than next week.
3. The year end trip which takes place June 5-7, permission forms and information package went out on Wednesday.
4. The spring FTX permission forms also went out on Wednesday. The FTX takes place May 22-24. Only seniors will be coming out on the Friday night, all others will come out Saturday morning.
5. Good luck to our drill team travelling to North Bay this weekend for the area competition.
6. Thank you to all who participated in the past weekends tagging days. An extra big thank you to 2Lt McGinley for organizing the event.
7. Next week is the start of summer dress.