26 May 2011

Freedom of the County Parade

According a unit the "Freedom of the County" is one of the highest honours that can be bestowed upon it. Granted only by civic authorities, it is conferred in recognition of honourable service and to mark the esteem and affection in which the community holds the unit. 638 Algonquin Squadron is proud to be receiving the freedom of the county along with other military units in a parade on June 10th at EXPO 150

This parade is taking place on a Friday during school hours so attendance is optional and at the discretion of the parents / guardians. Cadets are to be dropped off at the Pembroke Armoury for 0945 on Friday June 10th. From there they will be bussed to the parade involving other local cadet units, military units and legion members. The parade is to begin at 1100 and spectators are encouraged. After the parade lunch will be provided for the cadets. The cadets may be signed out by their parents after the parade or may return on the bus back to the armoury. The cadets are to be picked up for 1430 (2:30pm).

Please address any questions to the squadron office or 638Air@cadets.gc.ca