28 November 2014

If you need to have any of your medals mounted and are unsure of where to get this done, there is a location in Pembroke that offers this service. It is Chester Court Mounting located at 96 Pembroke St W. 613-629-6335.

On Wednesday night some of our cadets were presented with the Air Cadet Long Service Medal for 4 years of service. The following cadets have earned the award : WOII Logan Smith Boland, FSgt Erik Fleurant, FSgtAmber Luloff, FSgt Collette Martin, FSgt Julie Antler and FSgt Shanon Rochat.
WOII Sam Solimine and WOII Duncan Murchison, were presented with their one year bar for 5 years of service.
WOII Brennan Frampton and WOII Kyle Leo Telford Were both presented with the 2 year bar for 6 years of service.
Congratulations to all of you.

Wednesday November 26/14
1. Drill Team practices are held every Monday night at the Pembroke Armoury from 1830-2030hrs unless otherwise stated.
2. Ground School will take place at the Pembroke Armoury on Tuesday evenings from 1845-2100hrs in the computer lab and Wednesday evenings from 1800-1830hrs in the Ante Room.
3. Cadets who wish to participate in an air rifle range practice and try out for the Squadron’s Marksmanship Team are encouraged to come out to the Armoury Thursday evenings. Range will be held every Thursday night from 1800hrs to 2100hrs unless otherwise stated. This Thursday is only open junior cadets.
4. Cadets interested in being part of the combined Army Cadet/Air Cadet Brass and Reed band are encouraged to come out to the Armoury Thursday evenings from 1800hrs to 2100hrs unless otherwise stated. No experience is necessary and instruments are provided if needed. If you have your own instrument you are asked to bring it with you.
5. Don’t forget to sign out your lottery cadet tickets. Sold books are due back by Wednesday, December 10, 2014.
6. On Sunday November 30th, the Biathlon Team will be meeting for a practice. Unfortunately, I am missing the information with regards to timings and place

20 November 2014

On Sunday November 23/14, the squadron will be conducting a sports day ant Dundonald Hall at Garrison Petawawa. Cadets who wish to participate were to have filled out a permission slip and have it returned to the unit this past Wednesday.
Lunch is provided to cadet who are participating ( if your child has an allergy or restricted diet, please provide a lunch for your child). Cadets will be participating in basketball, volleyball, soccer and swimming.
Cadets need to be dropped of at the Dundonald Hall at 0900 hrs and picked up no later than 1600 hrs. Cadets will need to bring indoor running shoes, a bathing suit (no bikini or wear a t-shirt over), towel, water bottle and **HEALTH CARD**. Cadets can not participate without their health card. Dress for the day is the red squadron t-shirt and shorts/sweatpants. (If you do not have the red t-shirt, wear your navy blue issued one).

A few weeks ago the following security and safety measures were put in place for the Cadets. They have been listed in the announcements weekly since. They are still in place but no longer part of the announcements. Here they are once again for those who may have missed them.
New security procedures have been instituted at the Pembroke Armoury. All outside doors will now remain locked at all times. A member of the Squadron staff will be posted at or near the door to let people in. If you get to the Armoury and no one is at the entrance to let you in please ring the doorbell located at the right of the door.
The following direction is provided to cadets regarding cadets participating in activities while in uniform:
-cadets can wear their uniform to/from cadet activities and during supervised events
-cadets are not allowed to stop to partake in unrelated events
-cadets are not allowed to wear uniforms except for officially sanctioned activities
-no cadet has participate in an activity if they (or their parent/guardian(s)) feel uncomfortable or unsafe

Wednesday November 19/14
1. Drill Team practices are held every Monday night at the Pembroke Armoury from 1830-2030hrs unless otherwise stated.
2. Ground School will take place at the Pembroke Armoury on Tuesday evenings from 1845-2100hrs in the computer lab and Wednesday evenings from 1800-1830hrs in the Ante Room.
3. Cadets who wish to participate in an air rifle range practice and try out for the Squadron’s Marksmanship Team are encouraged to come out to the Armoury Thursday evenings. Range will be held every Thursday night from 1800hrs to 2100hrs unless otherwise stated. This Thursday is only open to the following cadets: Both Wagner's, Rochat, Croft, Keetch, Fleurant and McCafferty.
4. Cadets interested in being part of the combined Army Cadet/Air Cadet Brass and Reed band are encouraged to come out to the Armoury Thursday evenings from 1800hrs to 2100hrs unless otherwise stated. No experience is necessary and instruments are provided if needed. If you have your own instrument you are asked to bring it with you.
5. Don’t forget to sign out your lottery cadet tickets. Sold books are due back by Wednesday, December 10, 2014.
6. The Squadron’s Sponsoring Committee sent home Sunset Gourmet fundraising packages. 40% of all sales get donated back to the Squadron. Packages are due back on November 26th
7. Upcoming events:
23 Nov 14 – Squadron Sports Day and Swimming at Garrison Petawawa
21-23 Nov 14 – NOA Mass Band Clinic in Sudbury
5 Dec 14 – 6th Annual Ottawa Valley Cadet Christmas Formal
8. There will be a band clinic event this weekend for the following cadets. Hodder, Cummings M, Wagner C, and Roberts. You are asked to be at the Armoury on Friday Nov 21/14 at 1345 hrs. The cadets will be returning on Sunday Nov 23/14 at 1900 hrs.

19 November 2014

With any luck, tonight will be the long awaited start of the awarding of the weekly white belt winners. A white belt is awarded to one cadet in each flight who is deemed to have either the best or most improved uniform within that flight. The cadet then has the honour of wearing the white belt for the evening and receiving a free pop from the canteen. So shine those boots and iron your uniform, and do better each week. (Warrants, make this happen please).

13 November 2014

Wednesday November 12/14
1. Drill Team practices are held every Monday night at the Pembroke Armoury from 1830-2030hrs unless otherwise stated.
2. Ground School will take place at the Pembroke Armoury on Tuesday evenings from 1845-2100hrs in the computer lab and Wednesday evenings from 1800-1830hrs in the Ante Room.
3. Cadets who wish to participate in an air rifle range practice and try out for the Squadron’s Marksmanship Team are encouraged to come out to the Armoury Thursday evenings. Range will be held every Thursday night from 1800hrs to 2100hrs unless otherwise stated.
4. Cadets interested in being part of the combined Army Cadet/Air Cadet Brass and Reed band are encouraged to come out to the Armoury Thursday evenings from 1800hrs to 2100hrs unless otherwise stated. No experience is necessary and instruments are provided if needed. If you have your own instrument you are asked to bring it with you.
5 . There will be a Biathlon shooting practice held this Saturday, November 15th. The senior cadets will be shooting from 1100 - 1300 hrs. Juniors will shoot from 1300 - 1500 hrs. The practice will be held at Ottawa River Sportsman’s club, 770 Beachburg Rd., Beachburg.
6. New security procedures have been instituted at the Pembroke Armoury. All outside doors will now remain locked at all times. A member of the Squadron staff will be posted at or near the door to let people in. If you get to the Armoury and no one is at the entrance to let you in please ring the doorbell located at the right of the door.
7. The following direction is provided to cadets regarding cadets participating in activities while in uniform:
-cadets can wear their uniform to/from cadet activities and during supervised events
-cadets are not allowed to stop to partake in unrelated events
-cadets are not allowed to wear uniforms except for officially sanctioned activities
-no cadet has participate in an activity if they (or their parent/guardian(s)) feel uncomfortable or unsafe
8. Applications for National Summer Training Courses are now being accepted for Summer 2015. So far we have the following cadets working on their applications: Fleurant - Power Pilot, Martin - international Exchange, Hill - Glider Pilot, Frampton - Airport Operations, Rochat - Power Pilot, Fleming - Glider Pilot, Croft - Airport Operations, Keetch - Air Maintenance.
To get an application package please see the Administration Officer (2Lt Wendy McGinley). The deadline for complete packages is Wednesday, November 26, 2014. Don’t wait until the last minute to apply.
9. Don’t forget to sign out your lottery cadet tickets. Sold books are due back by Wednesday, December 10, 2014.
10. The Squadron’s Sponsoring Committee sent home Sunset Gourmet fundraising packages this evening. 40% of all sales get donated back to the Squadron. Order are due back on November 26th. If you have not picked up the package, please do so from either Amanda John or Aimme Hodder.
11. Upcoming events:
23 Nov 14 – Squadron Sports Day and Swimming at Garrison Petawawa
21-23 Nov 14 – NOA Mass Band Clinic in Sudbury
5 Dec 14 – 6th Annual Ottawa Valley Cadet Christmas Formal

06 November 2014

The Squadron has been invited to participate in the City of Pembroke’s Remembrance Day parade and ceremony on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. Cadets are to be dropped off at the Pembroke Armoury at 0930hrs. 
Cadets are to come dressed in full uniform (i.e. dress shirt, tie, tunic, parka, black gloves, etc…) and must wear a poppy. New cadets who have not been issued a complete uniform are still encouraged to participate. They are asked to wear appropriate civilian attire and their cadet parka. If a parka has not been issued one will be issued Tuesday morning.
Following the ceremony at the Cenotaph the Squadron will march with the parade to Branch 72 of the Royal Canadian Legion (202 Pembroke Street East) where the cadets will be dismissed. The Ladies Auxillary will be serving chili and refreshments in the main hall following the parade. Cadets will not be returning to the Armoury following the parade. Cadets are to be picked up at the Legion following the parade at approximately 1300hrs (1:00pm).
Please note cadets are not permitted to participate in any other Remembrance Day ceremony in uniform. Cadets are welcome to attend their school or local community ceremony, but cannot do so in uniform.

Wednesday November 5/14

1. Drill Team practices are held every Monday night at the Pembroke Armoury from 1830-2030hrs unless otherwise stated.
2. Ground School will take place at the Pembroke Armoury on Tuesday evenings from 1845-2100hrs in the computer lab and Wednesday evenings from 1800-1830hrs in the Ante Room.
3. Cadets who wish to participate in an air rifle range practice and try out for the Squadron’s Marksmanship Team are encouraged to come out to the Armoury Thursday evenings. Range will be held every Thursday night from 1800hrs to 2100hrs unless otherwise stated.
4. Cadets interested in being part of the combined Army Cadet/Air Cadet Brass and Reed band are encouraged to come out to the Armoury Thursday evenings from 1800hrs to 2100hrs unless otherwise stated. No experience is necessary and instruments are provided if needed. If you have your own instrument you are asked to bring it with you.
5. If you are interested in participating in the Squadron’s biathlon program (cross-country skiing and shooting .22 calibre rifles) then you are asked to sign up with Capt Frampton. The first practice will be held this Sunday, November 9, 2014. Timings and location will be announced on Squadron’s Facebook site and Blog by Friday at 1800hrs. We are attempting to secure a Range Safety Officer for Sunday and if we can we will be shooting in Beachburg. If not, we’ll be using the roller skis for a practice at Garrison Petawawa.
6. New security procedures have been instituted at the Pembroke Armoury. All outside doors will now remain locked at all times. A member of the Squadron staff will be posted at or near the door to let people in. If you get to the Armoury and no one is at the entrance to let you in please ring the doorbell located at the right of the door.
7. The following direction is provided to cadets regarding cadets participating in activities while in uniform:
-cadets can wear their uniform to/from cadet activities and during supervised events
-cadets are not allowed to stop to partake in unrelated events
-cadets are not allowed to wear uniforms except for officially sanctioned activities
-no cadet has participate in an activity if they (or their parent/guardian(s)) feel uncomfortable or unsafe
8. Applications for National Summer Training Courses are now being accepted for Summer 2015. These courses are:
-International Air Cadet Exchange
-Power Pilot Scholarship Course
-Glider Pilot Scholarship Course
-Advanced Aviation Technology Course – Airport Operations
-Advanced Aviation Technology Course – Aircraft Maintenance
-Advanced Aerospace Course
To get an application package please see the Administration Officer (2Lt Wendy McGinley). The deadline for complete packages is Wednesday, November 26, 2014. Don’t wait until the last minute to apply.
9. Don’t forget to sign out your lottery cadet tickets. Sold books are due back by Wednesday, December 10, 2014.
10. The Squadron’s Sponsoring Committee sent home Sunset Gourmet fundraising packages this evening. 40% of all sales get donated back to the Squadron.
11. Upcoming events:
11 Nov 14 – Remembrance Day
23 Nov 14 – Squadron Sports Day and Swimming at Garrison Petawawa
21-23 Nov 14 – NOA Mass Band Clinic in Sudbury
5 Dec 14 – 6th Annual Ottawa Valley Cadet Christmas Formal