20 February 2014

Please be advised that the Rocket Club starts Thursday February 27th and not March 27th as previously published.

Summer Camp Update

19 February 2014

Congratulations to the White Belt winners for tonight. Sgt Luloff, Cdt Petroskie and Cpl Baker. White Belt winners receive a certificate which entitles the bearer to a free drink from the canteen. For further clarification, white belts are awarded for the best or most improved uniform in a flight. Flight Commanders and above are not eligible to win the white belt.
Wednesday February 19/14

1. Marksmanship practice is on for tomorrow night.

2. We want to wish the best of luck to the marksmanship team who are headed off to the Zone Competition in North Bay this weekend.

3. Drill team is on for Monday night.

4. Just a reminder that Camp applications are due next week. Make sure to check the list of applications posted on the bulletin board, here on Facebook or on the Blog to ensure your name is on the list.

5. Outstanding lottery tickets are due next week. Please get them sold and returned.

6. Rocket Club will be starting on Thursday February 27/14 from 1900 -2100hrs. The cost is $20.00 and is due next week. A poster with all the details will follow shortly.

7. Do not forget that next week is a CO's Parade.

13 February 2014

Congratulations to all those cadets who have been winning the weekly white belts. White belts are awarded to one cadet in each flight who either has the best or the most improved uniform.

Wed. Jan 15/14 winners were - FCpl Flemming, FCpl Klentz and Cpl Hodder.
Wed. Jan 22/14 winners were - Cpl Hodder, Cdt Lariviere and Cdt Hill.
Wed. Jan 29/14 winners were - Cpl Hodder, FCpl Hill and Cpl Frampton.
Wed. Feb 12/14 winners were Cpl Hodder, Cpl Boland, and Sgt Martin.

Keep up the great work, polish those boots and keep ironing.

Wednesday February 12th 2014

1. Marksmanship is tomorrow night.

2. Drill team is cancelled on Monday due to it being Family Day.

3. Summer Camp applications are now being accepted. These forms are due February 26th 2014.

4. Congratulations to Cpl Callie Wagner who competed at the Biathlon Competition this past weekend. Her composite team won gold.