27 February 2013

Due to the weather cadets is cancelled tonight!
Next week is sports night.

14 February 2013

Winter Survial Exercise Update

Winter Survival Exercise Update

Friday February 22, 2013 to Sunday February 24, 2013
Cadets are to be dropped off at the Armoury on Friday February 22 @ 1800hrs
Please ensrue that you have eaten Supper before coming to the Armoury
Mr. Harris is the exercise director
Permission forms must handed in no later than Wed Feb 20
Permission Form can be downloaded here Winter FTX Permission Form
Cadets are to be picked up at the Armoury on Sunday February 24 @ 1700hrs
Emergency Contacts during the EX:
Squadron Office (613) 732-4470 est 227 (Friday night only)
OCdt Cadet McGinley (613) 635-6087


11 February 2013

Drill Team Practice

Drill Team Practice

for tonight - Monday February 11, 2013

has been cancelled!!

07 February 2013

Winter Survival Exercise
Friday, February 22, 2013 to Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Squadron is conducting a Winter Survival Exercise on 22-24 Feb 13 in Beachburg, Ontario.  All cadets are encouraged to participate.

Friday night will be spent at the Armoury and then everyone will move out into the field Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon.  Winter kit including sleeping bag, parka, boots, and gloves will be issued to all participants.

Mr. Harris is the Exercise Director.

More information to follow.  The permission slip will be handed out this coming Wednesday.
Squadron Ski Trip
Sunday, February 17, 2013
The Squadron is planning a ski trip for all interested cadets on Sunday, February 17, 2013.  Cadets who are interested in participating must sign up with OCdt Ashworth no later than Wednesday, February 13, 2013.  The Squadron will be paying for the lift pass, instruction for new skiers, lunch, and transportation to and from the Alice Ski Hill.  Cadets who require equipment can rent it at the hill for a cost of $5.00.  It is the cadets responsibility to pay the rental fee.
Drop Off Time: cadets are to arrive at the Pembroke Armoury at 1000hrs (10:00am)
Pick Up Time: cadets are to be picked up at the Pembroke Armoury at 1600hrs (4:00pm)
For more information please contact OCdt Ashworth via email at andrew.ashworth@cadets.gc.ca or via cell at 613-633-1396.
The Squadron is hosting a standard 1st aid and CPR course this Saturday, February 9, 2013 and Sunday February 10, 2013 at the Pemco Steel building located at 555 Paul Martin Drive in Pembroke.  This course is open to all cadets with a maximum class size of 20 participants.  There is no charge to participate in this training course.  Participants must attend both days in order to receive their qualification. The course will start at 0800hrs (8:00am) and will end at 1700hrs (5:00pm) each day.  Participants are to bring their lunch, water bottle, pens, and paper.  Dress for the course is appropriate civilian attire.
If you signed up and cannot attend or if you didn't sign up and wish to attend you must contact Capt McNaughton via email (tdsmcnaughton@hotmail.com) as soon as possible.

06 February 2013

Cadets who are interested in applying for employment at a summer training centre in Ontario must submit a Participation Application Form (see below) no later than 27 Feb 13.  Below are the lists of staff positions available at all Ontario summer training centres.  Read the prerequisites carefully.  If you have any questions please speak to your flight commander, level officer, or Cpl Mooij who is accepting the applications.

Participation Application Form





HMCS Ontario
